Washington Post: Buck up, America. It’s going to get better.
Washington Post: Immigration reform’s giant leap for Valley kind
Washington Post: Why Silicon Valley likes Obama’s patent troll offensive
Washington Post: Not happy at your job? Your company is paying for it in innovation potential
Washington Post: The next big national intelligence debate
Washington Post: What you and the Senate need to know about Canada
Washington Post: The way forward for FWD.us
Washington Post: Why we need a ‘plan B’ for comprehensive immigration reform
Washington Post: Wearable tech and the futurists’ conundrum
Washington Post: In education innovation, MOOCs are only the beginning
Washington Post: Why innovation is sequester-proof
Washington PostVivek WadhwaAdvancing Technologies, Sensors, Grand Challenges, Water, Competitiveness, Value of Startups, Energy, Mindset, Sustainable Energy, Food and Hunger, Convergence and Disruption, Public Policy
Washington Post: Immigration reform’s ‘free lunch’
Washington Post: Confessions of a Tesla ‘fanboy’
Washington Post: Obama’s music to futurists’ ears
Washington Post: The drone debate we need to have
Washington Post: What companies must do to survive the decade
Washington PostVivek WadhwaCorporate Governance, Advancing Technologies, Sensors, Manufacturing, 3D Printing, Robotics, Commerce, AI and Machine Learning, New Rules of Innovation, Convergence and Disruption
Washington Post: Five innovation predictions for 2013
Washington Post: Does China own the future — or does the U.S.?