Fortune: How to prevent quantum-A.I. hybrids from taking over the world
MarketWatch: The best thing for Tesla is a slow and steady loss of market share
Foreign Policy: The genetic engineering genie is out of the bottle
Foreign PolicyVivek WadhwaCompetitiveness, Public Policy, Ethics, Law Ethics Security of Technology, Hacking and Defense, Regulating Technology, Geopolitics, Advancing Technologies, Computing, Synthetic Biology
Economic Times: Tech Mahindra to unveil Covid-testing program that could show the world how to safely open businesses
Hindustan Times: On tech, India was naive. It has finally woken up
Foreign Policy: The future of travel after the coronavirus pandemic
MarketWatch: This is how our lives are getting to be more like ‘Star Trek’
MarketWatch: With genetically edited babies, a scientist transgresses a moral boundary
MarketWatch: Why Apple failed in India — and how it can start innovating again
Washington Post: Quantum computers may be more of an imminent threat than AI
Washington Post: If you could ‘design’ your own child, would you?
Washington Post: Why 2017 is the year of the bot
Washington Post: Why I’m skeptical about Apple’s future
Washington Post: Apple vs. FBI: The tip of the iceberg as laws can’t keep up with tech
Washington Post: Why Apple’s iPhone battle with the government will likely be a privacy setback
Washington Post: The many reasons to be excited about America’s future
Washington Post: Why there’s an urgent need for a moratorium on gene editing
Washington Post: Sorry, but the jobless future isn’t a luddite fallacy