Fortune: The future is charging at us—and humanity must cope with what was once the stuff of science fiction
Fortune: Why Indian CEOs rarely turn into comic book villains
Fortune: Silicon Valley’s elites can’t be trusted with the future of AI. We must break their dominance–and dangerous god complex
Fortune: Artificial intelligence chatbots: Exciting breakthrough or dangerous tool?
Foreign Policy: Why Quantum Computing Is Even More Dangerous Than Artificial Intelligence
Foreign Policy: Killer Flying Robots Are Here. What Do We Do Now?
Foreign Policy: Extending the Trump Ban Won’t Heal Facebook’s Deeper Sickness
Hindustan Times: India must take the lead in devising bio-defences
Foreign Policy: The genetic engineering genie is out of the bottle
Foreign PolicyVivek WadhwaCompetitiveness, Public Policy, Ethics, Law Ethics Security of Technology, Hacking and Defense, Regulating Technology, Geopolitics, Advancing Technologies, Computing, Synthetic Biology
Hindustan Times: India must focus on digital infrastructure, data protection laws
Economic Times: Tech Mahindra to unveil Covid-testing program that could show the world how to safely open businesses
Hindustan Times: On tech, India was naive. It has finally woken up
Economic Times: Why we first need to focus on the ethical challenges of artificial intelligence
MarketWatch: This is the biggest trait of Silicon Valley that’s not worth copying
Washington Post: What students should learn from Uber’s recent troubles
Washington Post: Theranos teaches Silicon Valley a hard lesson about accountability
Wall Street Journal: Come Clean When Things Go Wrong
Wall Street Journal: Corruption in Business and the Importance of Ethics