Washington Post: The urgent need for Silicon Valley to lead a smart and civil conversation on inequality
TechCrunch: Free Basics And Facebook’s Waterloo In India
Washington Post: How I realized the incredible impact that great bosses have
Washington Post: R.I.P. Bitcoin. It’s time to move on.
Washington Post: These 6 technologies will define 2016
Washington PostVivek WadhwaAdvancing Technologies, Sensors, Space, Internet of Things, Entertainment, Virtual Reality, Self-driving cars, Robotics, AI and Machine Learning, Convergence and Disruption
Washington Post: The many reasons to be excited about America’s future
Washington Post: India deserves better than Mark Zuckerberg’s watered-down Internet
Washington PostVivek WadhwaIndia, Competitiveness, Grand Challenges, Connectivity, Networks and Connectivity, Advancing Technologies, Geopolitics, Regulating Technology, Development, Law Ethics Security of Technology